Dawn House bed — Discover a new level of comfort, safety, and freedom.

Your ultimate hospital bed alternative. Enhance the quality of your sleep so you can live safely independent and continue to enjoy a vibrant quality of life.

Supportive Bed Features

High Low adjustability

Raise or lower bed for ease in getting in, out of, or sitting on the bed.

Optional Support Rail

Designed for those who like a little help getting in and out of bed, the rail moves in unison with any base adjustment.

Underbed lighting

Motion-activated LED lighting for better visibility in low-light settings.

Head & foot articulation

Elevate the head or foot of the bed or raise both ends for the ultimate Zero-G positioning.

Health sensors

Passively monitor sleep cycles, vital health indicators and connects to the Dawn House bed mobile app.

Anti-snore feature

Gently and automatically raises the head of the bed to alleviate the effects of snoring.